Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I'd like to quickly note that I'm centrally mentioning Christmas in this post, but mostly from an outsider's view. I know not everyone reading celebrates this holiday, but I'm talking here about the general atmosphere of Christmas. It's for everyone. Personally, following a neutral, somewhat agnostic, pre-Christian belief system, I'm just an observer looking and commenting. When Hannukah starts getting out of control and changes its own history to market more stuff, I'll be sure to mention it.

May Krampus tear your eyes out, shove you in his bag, and take you back to his cave.

I am not a Christmas person whatsoever. I observe a light Sun ritual for Yule (December 21st-22nd), but the actual idea of Christmas is absolutely revolting to Me. Personally, I would never let My child sit in a stranger's lap. Much less if that stranger is an older, single gentleman who spends his time laughing and promising gifts to children. It seems a bit rapey to Me.

Our modern idea of Santa Claus was more or less created in the early to mid nineteenth century. Of course, there are origins that date back to Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas as well as the English Father Christmas, but the whole... image and idea we currently hold canon dates to a couple of poems, Old Santeclause and The Night Before Christmas, published and  1821 and 1823, respectively. With additional lore and imagery through the years, by the time Coca-Cola started using his image for marketing in the 1930's, the "Santa story" was pretty much fully developed. The practice of "department store Santas" had been started some forty years earlier.

It seems interesting that Santa as a staple of children's imagination has spread to places who already had their own gift-giving folklore. Santa is a somewhat accepted image even in My own home country, Spain. However, in Spain, the gift-givers are the three kings (or the three Biblical Magi: Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar), and they arrive on January 6th. Still, a good amount of the Spanish people I know celebrate motherfuckin' Christmas, without this whole Three Wise Men thing. Honestly, getting to Jesus some 12 days after his birth... seems like a gamble. I mean, Mary and Joseph really stayed in a stable for a whole two weeks after "their" child was born? And if the kid was in a manger the whole time... well that's a whole bunch of animals that don't have a place to eat from. I digress.

It also seems that Santa is very associated with gifts these days, as opposed to Christmas. The whole "good cheer" aspect of it is pretty lost with all the gift giving. The Family Guy episode Road to the North Pole completely encapsulates how I feel about Santa. Be sure to close the advertisement on top of the actual video, it's gonna try to trick ya. You're welcome.

However, it seems I only have to go back a couple of centuries to find a bunch of disturbing accompanying characters to the original Saint Nicholas. Zwarte Piet and Krampus, two of the more popular figures of this season, are mostly prevalent in Germanic and Alpine Europe, and accompanied St. Nicholas. One's a mischievous black guy, the other one's a demon who takes bad children away (and potentially beats them). I like these two. They add a little fun and a little consequence to the holidays. Face it, no matter how bad you were, did Santa ever really bring you just coal? No. But I liked the idea that a scary demon lord from the Abyss could come take you away if you misbehaved. It seems a bit more... I don't know... with consequence.

I never really did the "Santa thing." As a child, I kinda figured it out by Myself by the time I was six or seven, and catching My parents wrapping gifts shortly after pretty much confirmed My suspicions. Nobody told Me. I was just like... "er... no. Something doesn't work here."

Don't get Me wrong, I FUCKING LOVE PRESENTS. But I like to take a little time at Christmas to appreciate the things I already have. I don't do the Thanksgiving thing much (as I mentioned in My Thanksgiving post), so I usually take Christmas as quiet personal time to reflect and be thankful. It's just more My wave. Thanksgiving's just an excuse to eat and say you're thankful, so people don't look at you weird. But what I wrote then, I honestly feel more now.

So take a moment today, if you have time, and reflect on all that you have, and the people around you whom you love. This holiday was based off a time for warmth and togetherness, during the longest night of the year. So stay close to the fire. :-)

Happy holidays to all who celebrate them. If you're not celebrating anything specifically today, I guess it's just Tuesday for you, so have a good Tuesday.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Fuck you, fish boy!

No, this is not My Christmas post yet. But it was awesome and I wanted to share. This was in response to one of My ads, not in any type of chat. Too good.

Him: Hey

Me: Congratulations. Three letters. Quite an achievement when I asked for a detailed introductory message. Would you like to try again?

Him: my fetish is feet send me a pic of yours

Me: I don't give a flying fuck what your fetish is unless you can come up with a respectful introduction, something I asked for.
I have size 12 feet, and pics are available online if one knows where to look. I don't have to send you anything or do anything if I don't feel like it, especially if I find you to be rude, which I do. Again, try being polite, something I ask for in My ad, and you'll find Me much more accommodating.
-Sir Brian

Him: fuck you, fish boy

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have no idea what just happened there.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Holidays are Nigh!

I've been busy these past days preparing for the holidays. I really haven't had time to post up My shenanigans in or out of sessions, because I frankly have no time. Christmas is a busy time!

I originally had a hot corporate roleplay for this afternoon. One of My company employees, G---, is up for an evaluation this week, so I told him to drop by My home, and we could discuss his progress in the company. Little does that little fag know that the IT crew did a sweep of all company computers, and has found a lot of very interesting things he's been sending from his workstation while he's been supposedly working. He thought he was coming for a promotion, but I know what the little queer is really after... let's see how much he really wants to keep his job! Hah!

Well that was the original plan, at least. However, it seems he has personal home matters to attend to (perhaps his wife found out about his filthy homo habits?), so we've rescheduled the evaluation. Unfortunately, I had originally cleared My day for it, but now I find Myself with some rare free time, so I figure I'd update around the interwebs.

Tomorrow, I'll be photographer for a kinky Christmas shoot with friends. It's going to be epic, with lots of ribbon and lights! Depending what we all decide, you may even get to see a few select shots here! We will see.

I haven't been making it out to a lot of places besides the Aviary: as I said, I've been very busy with My own things. Which means that awesomeness is afoot.

I'll be writing a full note about it, but I figure this is a good place to first announce. Starting now, I am looking for video-subs and video-slaves for 2013! Want more session time than you can shake your little dick at? Then ask Me about performing in My fetish videos, and I'm sure we can come up with an arrangement... step into My quarters, and you won't want to step out...

That's it for now. Oh, on a final sidenote, the holidays are nearing! So what best way to show you appreciate Me than by sending Me a little token of your desire? And who knows, if you're the lucky boy or girl to bring Me this pair of shock collars, I may have to pay some special attention to you...

Monday, December 3, 2012


NOTE: I am suffering from extreme Top drop after a very intense scene last night, so please take this with a grain of salt. I've been displeased for some days, and quite frankly have been stewing with these thoughts.

Honestly, I'll not be getting to that article I was going to write. I don't care to.

I was just betrayed by someone I considered a good friend. One of My best, in fact. Because I have to be in a semi-work environment with her already, I am unhappy.

I pride Myself in not talking shit about people. If I have a problem with you, I'll tell you before I tell others (yes, I still will probably tell others, but I'll always let you know first that I don't like you). I behave with such cold and calculating logic, and it's always served Me well.

The reason I do this is because I have an incredible hate for sophomoric behavior. I did not like high school then, and I do not like high school now. When people around Me start behaving like they are in high school, I am so completely disgusted that I actually get physically ill.

I am sick of busting My ass and being unappreciated (haha, look at Me blogging about My issues like a high-schooler, IRONY!). Over the past year back in Philadelphia from London, I have met a ridiculous amount of people.

Quite frankly, I don't like most of you. Not all of you, but a good bit of you.

I feel constantly that I am surrounded by a whole bunch of needy children, who really do not give a fuck about My well-being either way, as long as they can get what they want from Me. From leads which I bust My ass getting, to personal friends who are only interested in My opinion or thoughts when they can get a play-date out of Me, to colorful weekly hate mail (mind you, I only post the stellar ones here). I'm constantly running around and doing things, and as fabulous as My life seems, I bust My ass. For nothing.

A call from a recent friend made it clear: I'm trying to be in too many places at once, with too many people who need Me. I need to revise who I consider My friends, and who I consider useless in My life.

I'm sick of having to "play the game." I'm sick of having to smile through gritted teeth at community leaders who have sexually abused some of My friends. I'm sick of boys who are so sexually frustrated that they don't see Me as anything else but a piece of meat, and of girls who think I'm going to whisk them away from their humdrum vanilla lives like some Disney prince.

Respect. It's not that complicated. I ask for respect for My time and respect for My person. It's one of My Ten Commandments. It shouldn't be so difficult. But of course, people are too concerned about themselves these days. Can't be bothered to utter a single politeness.

I've already cut several public events and parties out of My schedule. It used to be that I would show up because I wanted to relax and hang with friends. Nowadays, a lot of these events are Me running like a chicken without it's head, making plans and play dates, and trying to please everyone. At the end of the night, I have no actual fun, and whatever I've done doesn't guarantee a visitor to My dungeon. Yet like an idiot, I return, to keep this completely fictional idea of an "image" up.

I first got involved in fetish in BDSM because it all seemed so revolutionary and life-giving to Me. Imagine! Surrounded by people who were unashamed of their desires, and open about them. A world where the limits could be set where I wanted them to be set, where each play date was a complex neurochemical exchange that could only be called "magical."

No-one told Me that it was also a community of backstabbing gossip queens. "Did you hear what so-and-so did at such-and-such?" No-one told Me there were people that were "preferred" or whose opinions "mattered more" because of their position. Hell, I always thought people should be judged on their own merits, not by their ridiculous accomplishments or social circles. How incredibly silly of Me.

I play by the book. When it comes to actual BDSM interactions, I use basic science and research to back Myself up so I don't fuck up, or fuck My partners up. Sure, it's not always perfect and failsafe, but I try. I'm still just human. I try to always help out newcomers and as long as the basic rules of interaction that I set are followed, will go quite far for them. I've never been accused of consent violations (though I have been accused of "assholism" once or twice). I try to defend those that show promise, and deflect those that would damage others.

It seems like all of this would be enough. Not in the scene. Here, it's all about "oh, well who do you know? How long have you been doing this?" Newsflash, folks: this used to be a way for kinksters to be able to vet one another and keep each other safe. This wasn't a social model to follow. Because I can name players who have been in the local scene for over 25 years who have had major consent violations, bordering on sexual assault. Actually, wait, no... when you stick something of yours into someone's holes after they said "no," that's not bordering on anything. That's rape. So I know a rapist or five.

Expose them? I tried. Results? "Oh no! I know so-and-so! He could have never done that, because I played with him once at a public party five years ago! Oh, and he wrote all these books/articles/Writings! You must be mistaken. It's OK. You're more of a newcomer, you don't know better."

Really? How long you've been doing this is completely irrelevant if you started off with erroneous knowledge. Being a 25-year veteran of the flogger means nothing if you take advantage of your submissives' gifts.

To return to what the "issue" I recently went through was, apparently, a very good friend of mine has had a poison whispering to her, and has accused Me of that exact behavior. The exchange. paraphrased, went like this:

Me: Something happened. I'm telling you because I want you to be safe.
Her: Oh, who pissed in who's cereal now?
Me: Like I'd give a shit. It's not about a feud, it's about abuse of power.
Her: Of course it is. You need to stop talking shit, because one of my friends who's really high up in the scene said you were saying things about me. So watch who you talk to, I don't need two-faced backstabbers in my life.
Me: Buh?

I still have no idea what exactly I supposedly said, and have not been given a chance to confront My accuser. I will gladly admit to any wrongdoing and any shit-talking, as I do have a big mouth, but I can't for the life of Me even think of what I could have said. I never take parts in feuds. I never have, and I never will. I will listen to both sides of the argument, and advise if it is needed, but I am a God-damned beacon of neutrality. For fuck's sake, I have recommended clients to My competition, at times. I am glad, however, that My friend decided to listen to someone else's opinion of Me, instead of confronting Me directly with an accusation. But I guess it's OK. They're "high up in the scene." Am I the only one who sees how amazingly retarded that statement is?

(If you have a problem with the fact that I used the expression "retarded," grow up. Social standing isn't determined by how politically correct I can be either)

I just needed a bit of space to vent. Currently, I am being much stricter and more reserved on FetLife, as well as with the conversations I choose to partake in, online and in real-life. I am limiting My play to the dungeon, and only to My closest partners. Those who wish to find Me can do so relatively with ease. But I'm no longer putting out the effort. You fucked it up for yourselves.

An interesting sidenote, while discussing things with kinksters I've known around the globe, this problem of catty, gossipy behavior and backstabbing is not spread scene-wide. It seems to have a particular penchant for some scenes, Philadelphia being one of them. I defended this place back when someone from the West Coast said that we were a joke big enough that even other cities had noticed.

I'm starting to agree with them.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to take a quick moment to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate it. I'm not one of "these" kinds of people, but it felt right to write.

I'd like to thank all the people who have made My journey possible. From the people who taught Me the cores in London, England, to those that welcomed Me with open arms here in Philadelphia. Thank you for putting your faith and trust in Me. Thank you for teaching Me invaluable lessons I will never forget.

Thank you to all My fans and visitors for giving Me the opportunity to interact with them on such a deeply personal level. As I can't stop saying, BDSM is a gateway to the inner Self, a call to reach an altered state of consciousness where one can better themselves. Thank you for trusting Me with your mind and body.

Thank you to My close friends and personal partners. Thank you to Ms. Leah for sticking by Me through some strange things. My, how you have grown. Thank you to Leggatt for always making himself available for that extra-dark play I like, and reveling in it. You know you're My favorite masochist, and I am so honored to have a play partner I can always push right to the edge of the Void.

Finally, I reserve My biggest thanks for My One, the force always behind Me. I can never repay My debt to You, even if I spend thousands of years trying. Without you, I am nothing. And we've been through some tough shit, but I know in the end, we'll stand together. I love you.

As far as the writing I was supposed to post, I'm a bit under the weather, so I'll do so in the next few days.

Happy Gobble-Gobble Day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rude E-mail #05792 - I sent you a picture of my cock because I'm looking for friends!

This was almost too good. I want to frame this one. It's a pity My previous blog was shut down with no ability to regain most of My previous posts (FUCK YOU, TUMBLR!). Because this has to be one of the crowning achievements of advertising response, and I wish it could join the ranks with the rest of them. However, this is the first "Rude Email" series post I do, so I'm actually also quite happy it's this excellent.

I post ads everywhere. In all of My ads, I specify that I'm looking for visitors to My dungeons or people to teach. I also specify no organic sexual contact, usually three times in My ad, to be sure there is no confusion. My ad is clear, concise about what I expect (an attempt at proper writing, a polite approach, and... oh yeah, no sex). Those who fail epically get quickly shut down and posted here to have an example made out of them. Be warned. Welcome to the Rude E-mail series.

Cue this guy. As usual, My personal thoughts are in parentheses and italicized.

All I receive is a huge big black cock shot. No name, no siggy, no message. Just a cock. A big, black one. Of course, this is a POV shot, because I'm sure he's quite lonely from the lack of human communication, so he likely cannot find someone to take the picture for him.

Fun fact: this is the second time he's sent a message, and the second time I turned him down. This time, I decided to push it a little bit and see if I could get him to say something particularly stupid. It took almost no prompting.

Me: Dude, we've talked about this. Unless you're looking to have Me pierce it or hurt it, we're not going to get along.
Him: I'm fine with that (really? Do come in. I'm running a castration special!)
Me: Then you know what, with all due respect, read a God damned ad before you reply to it. Said I wanted a polite respectful MESSAGE and that I wasn't interested in sex partners or personal BDSM partners outside of the adult industry or My social circles.
Him: Fuck you WHITE TRASH!!! Watch your back! Btw your blocked from this email (wow... texbook for projection, aren't ya?)
Me: Dude. It's not your race at all. Seriously. I'm not even fully white, I'm mixed. I'm just not looking to hook up with anyone. My ad pretty much says it: I'm looking to teach people or network with them because I work in S&M. For real. I got a man and he's the only one I fuck. Nothing against your race, it's just because you came off rude. I just said no to a whiteboy who also sent Me his cock shot with no message. (look at Me, I feel your plight, I misspelled "white boy" as a single word to relate to you! By the way... I am mixed, according to racial classification in the US)
Him: Fuck off! I have a man also! Wasn't even looking for sex! Good day
Me: Is that so? Let's start over then. (I'm fascinated by your strange culture of origin! I wish I lived in a place where a greeting was expressed by non-consensual flashing)
Him: For what? You already showed me your true colors? Even though I sent a dick picture I was looking for friends! Have a good one

So that was amazing. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone, and I ended up taking like... and hour to reply a single sentence, just because of how bewildered I was. Unfortunately, the rest of the conversation was him calling Me a faggot (what?) and Me being like "Buh?" No real glory there to post, I'm afraid. Just your average moron.

On a completely different note, I had a CBT and sounding session today that left Me with an interesting idea for a general post, which I'm going to toss onto FetLife as well (for those of you readers on FetLife, you know only My "proper" writings are up on there), so it's bound to be interesting...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Diabolique Ball 2012 (Birthday Weekend!)

I'm probably going to forget some stuff, but I'll try what's proper in...

Where to even begin? I had a lovely birthday evenings playing with two friends at their home. Unexpected, but very fun, as we moved through mummification and nipple torture with a grandiose Hitachi attack to finish it all off. I don't get much time for personal play, so this was a lovely though for My birthday, and I'd like to thank the hosting couple muchly. You know who you are.

Saturday evening, I attended Diabolique Ball 2012: Agony & Ecstasy, and it was indeed, a religious experience. All showed, from rubber nuns, to sexy demons, to even a Jesus Christ or two! I had a blast putting together My kick-ass Devil outfit. I wanted to go with a non-Christian concept of the Devil, more neutral than evil. And so, I mixed a few styles, donned a corset and voila!

It's like Bengt Enkerot went through a gritty reboot. The night was ripe with performances and charity dungeon stations, the latter of which included My transcendental whipping of My masochistic partner, Leggatt. We helped raise donations for the Ali Forney Center, a shelter for homeless GLBTQ youth that was destroyed by the recent Hurricane Sandy. Ooh, see that shiny link? You should consider donating too.

Conceptually, the idea was simple: Leggatt would offer up his body to My whip, which would continuously strike him mildly during one hour. Every dollar raised would earn Leggatt three "proper" strikes. Things got interesting when a ten-dollar bill was placed in the pot.

What followed was an extremely intense hour-long ordeal, with few pauses to fan the brightly lit flesh on Leggatt's back. By the end, the world had melted away and we were both in our very distant spaces. And in our own private ways, Diabolique Ball 2012 really was a religious experience.

I am incredibly proud of what My friend endured. I am humbled and honored by the fact that he chooses Me to take him to that place, where there is nothing. Thank you, Leggatt. Saturday was a powerful experience for the two of us. It reminded Me of the reasons I got into BDSM in the first-place. The experience sometimes takes one to altered states of consciousness and being. And this is not just through pain, as it was on Saturday, but through that intimate limit-pushing connection, no matter how it expresses itself. Hell, boot worship can lead to altered states.

The rest of the evening was lovely, and I got to chat and catch up with quite a few people. Thank you to all the people who made it out Saturday night! It couldn't have been done without you! I hope to see everyone next year for it. I'll likely be coming into town if I have already changed locations!

Oh, since Diabolique fell on My birthday weekend, I also received this lovely gas mask as a present from an amazing friend! It fits wonderfully. Thank you so much!

Oh, and by the way, if you happen to have missed My birthday (and you feel a terrible remorse, yadda yadda), you should still know that I always like presents. And so please, don't let this stop you from taking a look at My Wishlist. Perhaps you wish to see Me wielding or wearing something just for you. Or perhaps you're coming to visit Me and have this fascinating fantasy that includes Me shocking your balls every time I feel your posture is... ah... lacking.

These past two days, I have been taking off and resting up at home... but I'm back on tomorrow morning bright and early...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Very Busy Leathery Weekend! Oooh, and Rude Contacters!

Phew. I am barely standing, but am happy.

This weekend was Philadelphia Leather Pride Weekend as well as The Aviary. Although I did not go to the main PLPN event, I did attend Kinky Karnival at the Bike Stop on Friday. I showed up at the bar with My toy bag and asked a couple of Philadelphians MC members if I could demo some stuff. Apparently, two of their performers had last minute cancelled, so they were quite happy to let Me have a massage table station all to Myself.

Christ, that was like a kinky assembly line (or as a friend recently put it, BDSM meets Henry Ford). I spent most of the evening spanking hot asses of all shapes, colors, and genders, and dripping hot wax on naked bodies. God knows, I was dead tired by the end. Must have topped 10 to 15 people. But I met a whole bunch of ladies and gents, handed out some cards, and had an all-out wondrous time!


Of course, though, there is no rest for the wicked, so I got home quite late and ended up only getting a little bit of sleep, as I had to clean all of My toys for last night's Aviary. I had a lot planned for My birthday Aviary, so I split My dungeon monitoring shift into two, so I could get what I wanted to do in.

I was so happy not to be rushed.the way I usually am at some events. I got a chance to do more relaxed scenes that I wanted to do, and it was so fun! I played with My favorite masochist, Leggatt (who will be joining Me at next week's Diabolique Ball as My supplicant), and did a wonderful ribbon corset on his (manly) chest. Take a look at all this sexiness:

I quite enjoy needle play at public events, because it gives Me a chance to sit and talk to My subject face to face, while doing what I consider to be sensuous bodywork. I find it to be intensely personal, reminding Me of a sounding or a bare-handed spanking.

Anyway. After that, I got a chance to tie two ladies together in an intense bondage-hug and whip their bare backs simultaneously. They yelps and moans coming from both of them as they supported each other through the ordeal was extremely sexy, and got a couple of onlookers. The singletail is by far My favorite corporal punishment weapon. I'm really hoping to save it to eventually have My own Victor Tella.

Later on, I got to spank a lovely Francophone ass. Speaking My birth language again was quite a surprise, and I really enjoyed Myself, as demonstrated by this vry srs picture:

See? Being Domly is SRS BSNS! Tee hee. My evening ended with a coffee long conversation about life, the Universe, and everything with a lovely newcomer lady. T'was a good time!

See? I do get busy at public events and have My fun. I'd like to take a moment before finishing up this post to say a thing or two about the subject: I'm not that much of a hard-ass. If you approach Me respectfully through e-mail, call, or even a public, event, I will gladly speak to you and even maybe play with you if you have spare time. However, if you rudely call Me, leave Me sloppy messages through e-mail or phone, and then expect that you're going to get Me to develop ANY interest in you, you are sadly mistaken. As a warning, I will actually post up two of My most recent conversations to demonstrate this. My thoughts are in parentheses and italicized.

For this first gentleman, it was on MeetMe, a ridiculous clone of MySpace which I will NOT be linking to, because I hate them. The only reason I even have an account there is because it allows for localized friendships, and I can add about 20 people within 50 miles of Myself every day. Besides that, it's not really a site I use at all, mainly due to the general IQ of 70 that permeates the whole place. Mind you, I express My displeasure very clearly about the site, so most people contacting Me have heard Me bitch about how people interact online.

Rudy McDouchestein: Hi
Me: (*blinksblink* You're nineteen and living at home in Ontario. Why are you talking to Me? Ahhh... perhaps you have a relevant question... I'll play along...) Hello.
Rudy McDouchestein: Sup hottie :)
Me: (Strike one! But I'll disregard because you probably don't know better, even though the tone of My response and MY FUCKING PROFILE are a clue...) I'm doing pretty well, yourself?
Rudy McDouchestein: I am good :)
(Your conversation's fascinating, please go on. I am riveted and may throw Myself at you at any moment!)
Rudy McDouchestein: Hot chest babe
Me: Wow. See, I let "hottie" go because I thought it a slip-up. But I'm glad you've made no effort to actually read My profile, which links you to My website, which links you to the following sentence:
Respect: I am Sir Brian. Never dude, man, bud, etc. Never fail to address Me properly before speaking to Me or at the beginning of a communication. My preferred form of address is “Sir” or "Boss."
Granted, that's to the people who come to see Me under My protocol. HOWEVER. EVEN if that protocol doesn't apply to you, "babe" is rude in the normal world to say to a stranger as well. I always say that if you wouldn't say it to Me while meeting Me out at an event, don't approach Me with it online. If you still think it's OK, perhaps you just attend unsavory events.
I'm really not this much of a cunt if you're polite.
Good day,
-Sir Brian

Clearly, I didn't get a response. In fact, I think he ran away from Me pissing himself. Was I unfair? I don't think so. If you don't approach Me politely, then I'm not interested in talking. Last I checked, animals don't talk, so if you behave like one, I will treat you like one.

My second message was actually through text after a failed phone connection. It went a little something like this... I decided to forgo the parentheticals, as it's pretty clearly not in need of any explanation:

Me: Hello.
Unrealistic Painpig: Hello
Me: Who is this?
Unrealistic Painpig: Knife play?
Me: Uh.... yes?
Unrealistic Painpig: Can you make really deep cuts on my dick?
Me: Not too deep. Not looking to make a problem either. May I suggest needle play if it's intense CBT you like. And you might want to work on manners. Next time I ask you a question, you answer. [ten minute pause] Finishing a conversation or an inquiry is something else that you need to look into.
Unrealistic Painpig: Tnx
Me: So who are you?
Unrealistic Painpig: I am an angel
Me: Are ya now?
Unrealistic Painpig: Yes
Me: Uh-huh. An angel into CBT?
Unrealistic Painpig: Knife play.
Me: I see. But you want marks.
Unrealistic Painpig: What?
Me: Knife marks. Cuts.
Unrealistic Painpig: Very deep cuts. Yes or no? Bitch.
Me: Uh, not if I can't establish your psychological state. So if you want this, you should work on answering Me properly. If you can't amp up your fucking manners as well as learn to talk rationally, I'm going to assume you don't actually know what you want and can't consent. Good day.

Do I really ask that much? I sometimes wonder if I do. Hmmmm. Perhaps a lobotomy is in order. Blah. Anyway. Remember that Diabolique Ball 2012 is next Saturday, and I will be Dungeon Monitor at the beginning of the night, as well as performing at the end of the night with the studly Leggatt. Come see him get whipped to enlightenment. After all, pain and suffering is a path to God, or so think the Catholics.

Did you forget that My birthday is this Thursday? You can feel free to show Me how much you care by sending Me a small token of appreciation...

Ooooooh! Also! I will be briefly in NYC on Wednesday, November 14th. Yes, that's next Wednesday. I was originally taking the day to Myself, but have decided to accept session requests. If you wish for a session, you can e-mail Me before Wednesday and see if I have time for you.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Not Feeling Too Hot

So I survived the storm, as did most of Philly. If anything, I was pissed off that I had to stay indoors for two days. I did get a good amount of stuff done, but I'm not the housebound type.

Didn't lose water or power, and didn't flood at all. My personal playspace is safe, which I'm also happy about.

On the downside, I have had a fever, the sniffles, and a nasty sore throat for the past 36 hours. If My body serves Me right, it should be exactly another 36 hours until I feel better. This... kinda sucks.

See? That's Me making My "this sucks" face. What I should be having right now is a good footrub and someone serving Me some horehound tea. Alas, no rest for the wicked, so I fixed Myself up some European remedies and should be find in a couple of days. I have no taken sessions these past two days, and shan't  be taking any on tomorrow either. Being ill is quite unusual for Me, so I am in poor spirits and form.

I am however quite excited for Diabolique Ball 2012, which yes, I know I've mentioned in the past few posts. Because it's going to be awesome, and it's for a good cause. So come on out for a night of naughty nuns and perverted pagans! And... other... religious perversions as well. So click on the link, and go buy a ticket. :-)

As I've also mentioned before, it falls right on My birthday weekend. So if you want to make Me feel extra loved, then you should consider thinking of Me on My special day. I always appreciate and find much use for your gifts in My day to day, so don't be shy. I also appreciate the thought over the value, so although I quite like being given fine things, I don't always think the finer gifts are the more valuable ones. I like things I can make use of.

To the very thoughful visitor who sent Me the Rothco boots that I mentioned in My previous post, I haven't forgotten about those pictures. Since they are extra awesome boots, I want to make sure I get extra awesome pictures. :-)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween is here!

Halloween is on Wednesday, so all of the partying is being done this weekend. I went to a wonderful costume play party yesterday, and My fallen priest outfit was awesome (leather gloves not pictured):

I did a bit of practice play for Diabolique Ball 2012, where I will be a fallen priest again, and will be whipping the living bejeesus out of another priest for having disobeyed God Almighty. Yey for religious fetishism as performance art! I have to warm up My partner, Urdok, and get him used to the whip again over the next two weeks, as I will be whipping the very fabric of his clothes off his flesh. It should be fun. Here's the result of My good times last night:

I am quite proud of him, as almost no-one I know takes the whip, particularly Thain's very cruel snake whip (it really does have personality, Goddess). He did very well and we had a great time. :-) I can't wait for him to publicly atone for his sins in front of the entire Ball. And I love being the one to hold the... erm... whip of enlightenment and spiritual peace, if you will.

Besides the wonderful play, I got to see a bunch of friends and also ran into Mollena Williams and Lee Harrington. We had a short little chat, and it was all very pleasant. I was quite happy to meet Lee, as he wrote one of My first introductions to shibari, and was a great influence on how I began tying. You, Sir, rock hard!

I also wanted to congratulate the bride and groom on their nuptials! May your bond be as eternal as the ocean. :-)

Oh God, I can't wait until I have My own whip. I'd sleep with that thing. Speaking of that, I hope you do remember that My birthday is coming up and I always love presents. :-)

And by the way, I have recently received a pair of Rothco Deployment boots off My Wishlist, and have no idea who sent them to Me. Thank you! I really needed new shoes, so this was a perfect gift, visitor! I will be soon posting some hot boot pics for you to enjoy...

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Very Busy Day!

Today, I had a shitload to do. I managed to get most of it done, but I still need to head out to Walmart later tonight. Halloween is near, and I have much to do for one of My favorite holidays.

Today, I finally cleaned My place, which honestly really needed it. Since I've just finished building My personal at-home playspace, I cleaned that up as well as the rest of the place, and I can finally feel OK about it. So I want to show off My little steampunk dungeon room. When I first got it, this atrocious place was completely leaked in and pieces of fucking wall were missing. Everything was either peeling pink paint, or straight up foulness. HOLES IN THE FUCKING WALL. THE SIZE OF HEADS.


Here's a little video I made after I finally finished setting it up. Now I just need to start moving stuff into it and furnish it properly. Originally, that carpeting was going to be African zebra wood flooring. The ceilings between the beams were going to be finished with a soundproof and painted a light beige to make the place appear larger. I probably would have worked on the web a bit more. However, I may be moving to NYC in six months, so I didn't really want to sink another $400 into a room. So this is it for now. Considering it was a flooded, hideous monstrosity before, I did OK.

The rest of My morning and afternoon was spend answering a shit-ton of e-mails that have befallen Me in the past 48h, as well as organizing My schedule for the upcoming month. Tomorrow, I am attending a Wedding and Halloween Party, and have organized My "fallen priest" outfit as well as gathered preliminary ideas on what I will be bringing for food (Evil Eggs). I also had to go to West Philadelphia to pick up a snake whip from Goddess Thain, which I will be using for a performance at Diabolique Ball 2012. This is a great chance to come out to an amazing religious-themed annual party here in Philly. And an awesome time to meet Me, as it will also be My birthday weekend and I will likely be in a most amiable mood.

So tomorrow I am also rehearsing for My Diabolique scene, which should be loads of fun. All you need to know is it involves a hot masochist boy and Myself, and priest outfits. Oh. And a snake whip. So there's more of a reason to come.

Tomorrow is also busy, because before My evening engagements, I will have to cook for a whole shit-ton of people, carve a pumpkin into something kinky, and run some vanilla errands. All before getting into religious wear for the evening at 7 PM. Good Christ. I need a boy to do all of this for Me.

I have a couple of sessions coming up this week, but most importantly, it looks like I will be attending the Philadelphia Leather Pride 2012's Kinky Karnival on November 9th, as well as (possibly) Philadelphia Leather Pride Night on the 10th. I say "possibly," because that is also the night of The Aviary, the monthly party that I attend and am Dungeon Monitor at. I am going to try to make it to both events, but might end up swinging in favor of one or the other. Keep and eye out on My website for a detailed schedule of events with  dates and times where I will be present.

Oh, and by the way, you do remember next month is My birthday, yes?

So there's My update for now. Yey, productivity.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There are times...

... that I am so happy some of My visitors are such hot and horny sluts. And at other times, I like the fact that they are deep, complex individuals with desires and fantasies, and a mind.

A mind is much sexier than what lays below your belt.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Let's get personal...


Reality just slapped Me in the face for a second and I was humbled by My ignorance.

What a fascinating feeling. It's quite motivating, really. Makes one wants to fill one's vacuous head with knowledge, you see.

Hm. We'll see where all that goes.

Ah well. Session tomorrow. That's going to be quite interesting as well...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Back in the Swing (MASSIVE POST)

It seems things are finally getting back on track. I have been ridiculously busy these past couple of weeks, and have not had much time to write. But I'm back! So here's what's been going on... Be warned, this post is very picture heavy, and they are NSFW!

I'm happy to say My advertisements with Eros-Philly and Backpage.com are back online. Hooray! They had been off while I made the transfer to the Chamber, but now are back on.

I had a wonderful session last week! Got to pierce some nipples as well as shove My whole fist up a fagpuppet (I totally just said "fagpuppet"). He wasn't too shy of a boy either, so I took a few pictures... here are a couple of highlights!

Had I known, I would have prepped for better pictures! No matter. We'll see next time. I did get a couple of new pics of Me that day as well, with the wonderful Destiny's Chamber as a backdrop. Thought they were worthy to share. They're good!

Finally, last night was Aviary, where I got to try out the new flogger I made. It's a very nasty one, probably due to the pennies in the end of each fall. I was happy to see it fly in the direction of three lovely backs that twisted in pain. Since this was the October event, I brought out one of My fear play outfits out. The wonderful robe was sent to Me by a caring fan who has My appreciation and these pictures! Thanks for that, boy! Here's some pics taken by Rowhan the Magician and Myself, featuring Me and Talon Oasis:



So I'm happy about that. Yey! I love pictures, and I love that outfit. It's based off The Alchemist, from the French film "Vidocq," known in the US as "Dark Portals." I am a huge fan of that film, and have been since it came out. Highly recommended!

On a completely different note, next month is My birthday month. I pass a quarter of a century into the unknowns of Year 26 on November 15th, 2012. I am already thrilled that My birthday weekend is booked with Diabolique Ball 2012: Agony & Ecstasy, which is going to be, as advertised, a religious experience! Be sure to make it out to the Ball for an awesome night of naughty nuns and dirty priests! And proceeds go to charity!

If you want to make Me smile on My birthday, check My Wishlist and send Me a little gift. I've been longingly eyeing the Mini Nova (ideally with a branding electrode thrown in), and have also been looking the two volumes of Douglas Kent's "Complete Shibari," Land and Sky. What can I say, I have taste.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pleasing Behavior from Perth, Australia!

Recently, an Australian fan, bull minion (@bullminion on Twitter) has recently hit 2000 tweets. I initiated the conversation that lead to that 2000th tweet, and so I encouraged him to do something special for Me... and so he did.

By the way, you can see the original tweet here. Isn't that sweet? I always appreciate nice gestures, and let it be known that I do.

This was touching. He did good.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Change in Availability and New Pics

Recently, I have been busying Myself with a lot of activities in order to improve Myself in kink and BDSM. Due to this, My availability has varied considerably. Since I still set My own schedule or hours, I will generally still be able to take sessions pretty regularly. However, the following are days when I will be most available:

Mondays - All day, in-call and out-call
Wednesdays - All day, in-call and out-call
Saturdays - All day, in-call and out-call

Other days will be subject to My availability, with your best chances to see Me in the morning or evening, as I dedicate My daytime to other, more important matters.

Also, please be advised that I take NO IN-CALLS on Sundays.

Finally, I've been quite occupied with all manners of things, and I'd like to share a few photos of recent events I've attended. These are few until I get My next photo set out, which will feature Me in a brand new fear play outfit!

  My awesome outfit for the private back-to-school party I attended on Saturday. Check out My kick-ass new corset!

My student, Ms. Leah Vicar, and Myself, ready to spank naughty Catholic schoolboys.

Lady Mordona went through her first needle play experience on Saturday, and was absolutely wonderful. She walked around for most of the evening with these lovely, simple wings.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I've been quite busy, but new posts and updates coming soon!

Monday, September 17, 2012

FetFest 2012 Photos!

So I've decided to not really post My full FetFest 2012 review and description. Quite frankly, I'm pissed that the only record of My writing was deleted with My Tumblr, and was full of juicy details and quite lengthy. I just don't feel like writing it again. Fuck Tumblr. I will do a brief highlights right now, and you'll have to fill in the blanks yourself.

I attended a myriad of classes by some of the best educators in the lifestyle. I am honored and humbled to have been able to hear some of these wonderful people speak, and I'd like to thank the entire staff and BLP for putting on such an amazing festival.

I was so happy to return to the fire. For those who do not know, I was turned into a human torch last year, and it was a magical transformatory experience for Me. The capable hands of fireplayers Phoenix and Barbara doused Me in fuel and My, how I shone. In fact, I have just received two pics from last year's human torch from wonderful photographer TwistedView, and I share them now with you.

It was so wondrous, I decided to return to it. Again, the fire overtook Me and gave Me peace, cleansing Me. An amazing experience.

My One and I brought some sexual diversity to the Saturday night orgy and I got a kick-ass blowjob in the middle of it all. It was wonderfully sexually freeing to be able to enjoy Myself in such fashion in the open air. Very refreshing!

At the Primal Arts trials, I underwent the trial of Water. Last year, the format was different, and the trial and sacrifice that had to be made to the tribe was by Fire, which is where I got My brand.

This year, I wanted to go through something else. My original desire was for the Air trial (a hook suspension) but I ended up deciding I wasn't feeling it. And so I went for the water trial... which was waterboarding.

Waterboarding was not as scary as I thought it would be, due to the fact that I felt "prepared" for it. Truth is, nothing can truly prepare you for it, but I have topped for waterboarding before (and love it), and have studied the subject from both anectodal and scientific bases. So I'd like to think I had a good grasp of the subject short of submitting to it. But in the end the panic just sets in and I safeworded out (or rather safegestured) in less than 30 seconds. And believe Me, that's agonizing when freezing cold water is running down your nostrils. So there was that, and it was intense. But it was important I get it done, as I hadn't bottomed for it before, and I only tend to to top with methods I've bottomed to. This was a hard one. I had a little drowning spell when I was 10, and refused to go through it again. So at least it's done, and My mind is clear. Hooray!

I had a great time watching the dancers at Lucky's Club, and even tried out a move or too. After a bit of boozing, I have come upon another grandiose decision. I have decided to lose some weight and get back into shape. And I will be stripping at Lucky's Club next year!

So there's the gist of it. I am so happy and grateful to have come in contact with so many wonderful people this year, and can't wait to do so again next year! Are you coming?

And now, without further ado, here are a couple of shots from this year's FetFest, where I happily returned to the fire, taken by the wonderful Stacie Joy.

So I hope you enjoyed this good fun with Me. Now I have to sleep, I have to teach French tomorrow and punish a naughty student...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Needles and Blood

Had a lovely needle and bloodplay session today... wonderfully relaxing! I got permission to take some photos, and I'm sharing a select few on here with you. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

If I don't play with you... I must not exist!

I live among illogical animals.

I'm so tired of butthurt queerboys who send Me hate mail when I tell them I'm not interested in playing with them. Seriously. I denied a really rude boy the medical scene he wanted (not only was he a complete boob, but he didn't read My info and interests), and all of a sudden, I'm a delusional fake, who has no BDSM skills, and don't exist in the public lifestyle.

Mind you, I get this hate mail the day after Aviary, one of the local play parties in the area. You know, the one where I suspend people, beat them with a sjambok, pierce them with a medkit, and generally get dangerously deviant with.


Same party I went to last night, the one that on My way to, two boys on the subway came up to Me, said they saw My local advertisements, and wondered if I would take a picture with them.

So, delusional? No.
Unskilled? No.
Not a lifestyler? No.
Unknown locally? No.

If I deny you play, I probably have a good reason. If you inquire for a session, and then tell Me you're not going to tribute Me, I'm not going to magically stop everything to play with you just because you're hot. That's why I have personal play partners, and trust Me, they are much better looking than you, and their skill makes Me way hotter than your could ever hope to.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rope, Swords, and Woodlands, Oh My!

I just went to take some photos out in the woods yesterday to display a couple of new toys with Ms. Leah Vicar and a very confused straight vanilla boy. He was a good sport although terrified. Here are a few highlights:

The full set can be found on My FetLife and select pics will make it on My Facebook as well as My website.

A very special thanks to the fans and visitors who have given Me the equipment featured in these pictures! You know who you are...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Testimonials and other Minutiae

Phew. I've finally finished reposting all of the main things I wanted from My now-dead Tumblr. They refuse to even answer My support e-mail. Fuckers. Anyway. I wanted to repost a couple of things as one single entry, so here it goes.

  • Testimonials: all of My testimonials and reviews are archived on Facebook as well as on My Website for all to see. I didn't repost them because they can be found freely in the aforementioned places.
  • Hot pics of Me with a strap-on: Sorry. You only get one. You can blame Tumblr. I don't like how the pic upload works here.

  • What I want right now: I didn't repost about the things I wanted or the things I've received from appreciative visitors and fans because that's tacky. My current toys of fascination are the masturbation sleeve, as well as a new electro box and some electroconductive rubber tubing. All three can be seen on My Amazon Wishlist. Visitors who bring Me those are sure to be rewarded!
  • The rude e-mail series: Sadly, I do not have those conversations any longer. So consider it a free pass. I will be restarting this series on this blog.
  • My post about attending FetFest 2012: I will rewrite that and repost that eventually. I am NOT happy about having completely lost that one.
  • Nick Anderson's hot short stories about Me: These can be found here, and here. Read them and follow this hot fucker.

So hopefully, things will be back and running soon. Between My Philly newspapers ads not being up and now My Tumblr crash, things have taken a bit of a blow, but I am optimistic. Ooh, and this Saturday is The Aviary! You should come meet Me if you're in the Philly area!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sir vs. Master (repost 08/20/12)

As you already know from My first post, My Tumblr account was shut down just recently. I am trying to get it back up, but I have little faith in Tumblr, and so I quickly decided to repost all of the major articles and writings that I have a backup for right here on My BlogSpot, so that newcomers may read them if they choose to. 

During My journey, I’ve met several types of people, and each has their own protocol and manner. Being pretty laid back (am I?), I am not extremely strict on how protocol is performed. However, there is one detail I like to emphasize.

I’ve already mentioned in My Ten Commandments that My preferred form of address is “Sir,” as opposed to “Master.” I wanted to clarify a bit on that, and why I have that requirement.

As defined by a dictionary, the first five definitions of the word are as follows:
  1. a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something
  2. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.
  3. an employer of workers or servants.
  4. the male head of a household.
  5. a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation,art, or science

I am going out on a limb, but I assume most people who desire to call Me “Master” wish to do so out of respect inspired from Definition 1. However, I interpret “Master” as being defined almost exclusively by Definition 5.

I believe that anyone My age who calls themselves “eminently skilled” might be cause for concern. In My eyes, “Master” means that there is little more to learn. It means that I consider Myself above others automatically. Now, I believe very strongly in My skills. But I am humbled by the people who I meet who are much more experienced than Myself. I call them “Master” or “Mistress,” because in My eyes, their skills are worthy of such a title. I feel that every day is a step forward in learning and growth. Therefore, as a rule, I don’t tend to like being called “Master” Myself, unless I am being addressed by someone regularly training under Me.

I am partial to “Sir” and “Boss,” depending on My mood. Both of them define respect, as opposed to superiority. And I love respect.

I’m less fond of complete doormats.

Most Epic Phone Call I've Received (repost 08/17/12)

As you already know from My first post, My Tumblr account was shut down just recently. I am trying to get it back up, but I have little faith in Tumblr, and so I quickly decided to repost all of the major articles and writings that I have a backup for right here on My BlogSpot, so that newcomers may read them if they choose to. 

Me: Hello?

Caller: Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Sir Brian, please?

Me: This is He.

Caller: I just saw your name in the paper, and I was just wondering if I could stick this big dick in your mouth?

Me: Oh, I'm sorry, did you miss the part in the paper that said "no sex."

Caller: Oh? Oh! I think I did.

Me: That's alright. I appreciate the time you took to call Me, but I don't offer any kind of organic sexual service, just straight up BDSM and kink.

Caller: Oh, I'm sorry. I just woke up with a stiffy and the CityPaper, and you know...

Me: No, I understand. But I do like readers.

Caller: Alright then, sorry about that. Guess I'll let you go.

Me: Have a nice day.

Caller: Yeah, thanks! You too!

Manners: They Count, or How to Cancel (repost 08/10/12)

As you already know from My first post, My Tumblr account was shut down just recently. I am trying to get it back up, but I have little faith in Tumblr, and so I quickly decided to repost all of the major articles and writings that I have a backup for right here on My BlogSpot, so that newcomers may read them if they choose to. 

A few days ago, several boysluts lacked the balls to call to cancel their appointments with me, and have grossly wasted My time. How have I dealt with them? Simple: I have banned them from the dungeon and refuse their out-calls.

So why am I writing this? Simple. A boy made an appointment yesterday for a session this weekend. Earlier this evening, I received a message from him, profusely apologizing and telling me he was not going to be able to make it in to his session. I think he expected Me to chastise him for wasting My time.

I did not.

If anything, his dedication and politeness showed Me that he was genuine and that his apology was sincere. I thanked him for letting Me know in advance, and invited him to reschedule his session at his convenience.

As I said, I have no issue if you cancel your appointment with Me, as long as you do so in advance. Doing so shows sincerity and politeness.

One small detail: If you cancel your session with Me three times, I will ask you for a $50 non-refundable GreenDot deposit if you choose to rebook a fourth time. I can understand a single cancellation. Hell, even a second one. Things happen. But a third time makes me doubt your dedication and respect for My time.

Financial Domination (repost 09/11/12)

As you already know from My first post, My Tumblr account was shut down just recently. I am trying to get it back up, but I have little faith in Tumblr, and so I quickly decided to repost all of the major articles and writings that I have a backup for right here on My BlogSpot, so that newcomers may read them if they choose to. 

As I recently mentioned, I’ve taken a page out of Goddess Pandora’s book, and her private profile has something written on it that struck a chord in Me. Since I’ve been recently asked about it, here are My thoughts on financial domination.

I’ve slightly modified the writing to reflect My own beliefs:
Financial domination isn’t about giving Me your extra money. It’s about going without so you can tribute to Me. It’s about putting Me first, because you appreciate Me and wish to be attentive to My needs.
You don’t make Me comfortable after you are comfortable. You make Me comfortable instead of yourself. You must go without comforts as a reminder of your service to Me. I revel in your discomfort… as much as I revel in your gifts.
This struck a chord in Me, because she explains it quite eloquently. And so, I wish to add some thoughts of what I personally believe.

Too often do I see a young, stunning Domina act like a complete bitch and hide under the veil of “financial Dominant.” A very well-known online foot Goddess revels in just that attitude. Her entire site is dedicated to insulting people, claiming She is way too fabulous to talk to any of these “losers,” and that people should pay their ugly tax, loser tax, and a whole bunch of other things for her because She’s just so great. She shows no respect to the attention given to Her.

For Me, financial domination is very simple: it has nothing to do with taking your money. I believe that financial domination is about controlling your assets, which is a different thing. You will give Me your money because you honor Me, not because I’m taking it from you. In exchange, I will manage where your expenses go to entertain Myself, and you will secondarily benefit from My pleasure.

I do not demand tribute because “I’m just so fucking fabulous.” I demand tribute because My time is My own, and I am a busy human being. Tributing Me shows that you are willing to go without in exchange for My time. It shows you are understanding that My seeing you is a time that I specifically spend with and dedicate to you, and for that, you wish to compensate and thank Me. And when you do, it does not go unnoticed.

A fictional example: A slave comes to Me for training. I’m already dedicating My time to training and teaching them, and they chooses to tribute Me in exchange. I could go two ways: I could demand extra tribute for My time, as it extends beyond session, and use said tribute freely for My wants. Or I could demand that they set it aside, and entrust My wants directly to them.

But only one of these two options establishes a full control.

What if they wishes to learn formal tea service? I surely will not entrust My personal set to a slave who may be clumsy. They must bring Me one of suitable quality to work with. How about extended chastity training? Should I have to go without My device for the likes of a boy? That would be preposterous.

On top of this, now that I am dedicating My time to them, should I have to place the additional burden or strain of having to go get the item Myself? Then they are lazy in their desires.

What if they were a boot worshipper who enjoy seeing regular images of My boots between sessions? I’m fully entitled to say “Give Me $50 a week for the privilege of talking to Me out of session, pig.”

I don’t want to do that.

I want to be able to one day down the line say “Today, I want these boots, and you are going to buy them for Me.” And then they would do so, and would have the privilege of spending time with Me and the boots.

It’s also about making yourself feel happy when you make Me happy. It’s not about Me getting things because I’m just so cool. There is power exchange.

A visitor who brings Me something is a visitor who will often see that something used to My pleasure. And if My pleasure is their pleasure… why would they deny themselves?

Should a financially dominated submissive pay for My electricity bill if I demand it from them? Here’s the thing. I wouldn’t demand it from them. Of their own accord, they should want to simplify and improve My life.

When I force them… it is extortion.

My Ten Commandments (repost 07/09/12)

As you already know from My first post, My Tumblr account was shut down just recently. I am trying to get it back up, but I have little faith in Tumblr, and so I quickly decided to repost all of the major articles and writings that I have a backup for right here on My BlogSpot, so that newcomers may read them if they choose to.

These are My Ten Commandments if you wish to come see Me. I had been toying around with the idea of writing My own list of rules and requirements for sessions so that everyone could see. Most are simple and common sense, but it seems that people are idiots. Failure to abide by these rules will result in the incursion of My wrath. Repeated transgressions will result in My throwing you out of the dungeon.
  1. Honesty: You MUST tell the truth at all times, even if you can not or will not follow a direct order. Even if I will “never know that you are lying.” First of all, I will know. Second of all, trust can not be based on lies, and will never be fulfilling if it is. I am not a part of your outside world. I am part of your inner world, and I demand absolute honesty and truthfulness from you. What you say remains with Me.
  2. Obedience: I am in charge and that means you must follow My orders. A servant’s heart means that My will is more important than your own and My pleasure comes before your own. Does it hurt? The answer is not important. Are you obeying Me? That is the question you should ask yourself.
  3. Respect: I am Sir Brian. Never dude, man, bud, etc. Never fail to address Me properly before speaking to Me or at the beginning of a communication. My preferred form of address is “Sir,” and I reserve “Master” exclusively for those who train under Me, and then, it is still their choice whether to call Me “Sir” or “Master.” You will answer questions clearly, maintain proper posture, and ask permission to speak.
  4. Gratitude: Always say thank you. If I punish you, thank Me. If I reward you, thank Me. If I speak to you, thank Me. You are thankful for everything that I give to you and everything that I take from you. Show it.
  5. Control: If I see you more than once, we will establish rituals and individual rules for you. They may include what you can wear, how and when you contact Me, or even tasks outside of your time with Me.
  6. Chastity: I am a professional Dominant, as well as a lifestyler. My lifestyle choices are My own. I prefer to keep My submissives in chastity during their time with Me, but I understand some things are limits for everyone. I still expect chastity from you. I will never “get you off” or tolerate your open sexual desire for Me. You are not to fantasize about Me, unless it be to realize what you will never be worthy to have.
  7. Worship: To you, I am a god. That means I expect to be worshiped. How do you worship Me? You praise Me, you obey Me, you learn how to please Me, you follow and don’t try to lead, you communicate with Me, you tribute Me, you are humble, loyal, dedicated, and respectful.
  8. Loyalty: I expect you to communicate fully openly with Me. Tell Me what is going on in your life, who you are meeting, and what you feel. Have no secrets. Do not hide things from Me you think I do not wish to hear. “Thou shall have no other gods before Me,” I think is the phrase I am looking for. And as such, I wish to know everything there is to know about you.
  9. Attentiveness: Your attentiveness will show you are worthy. This spans a lot of things, from knowing this list of rules and be able to recite them, to knowing how I like My coffee (handed to Me… not I’m not joking, but for reference, I like it with 2-3 sugar substitutes and cream) to having proper spelling, grammar, and sentence if you communicate with Me through writing. Unintentional occasional mild spelling errors will likely be overlooked, but I won’t have written communication with someone who cannot string a sentence together, is functionally illiterate, gives one-word answers, or seems unable of having an intelligent thought process.
  10. Release: If I am regularly training you, and you wish to be released, you will ask respectfully to be released. You will understand that as long as you are under My control, you give up your right to decide to just walk away. If I determine that the problem can not be sufficiently resolved, I will allow your release. However, a good faith effort will be required from you. A two-week “trial separation” period in which you are making the effort to stick it out must take place before it. During this time you must consider why you want to be released, and prepare Me a two-page writing telling Me these reasons. If at the end of two weeks, you are still certain, come in for a final session, hand Me your writing, and you will have your release.