Monday, January 20, 2014

A New Year

I wanted to post. I really did.

December got the best of Me. Between the weather affecting My moods and getting busy with both work and personal matters, I managed to go through most of the past two months without posting. Instead of ranting about what happened while I was not posting, let us focus on the future! I am hoping for a lot of positive changes this year, in many aspects of My life. 2014 will be a time for Me to take care of My body and mind, as well as a time to grow and expand in the scene. I am planning more appearances, more outreach, more art... just "more" in general! Last year was plagued with a lot of personal strife, and this year is to be one of liberation. I enter it head on, with a loyal submissive at My right, and amazing friends at My left.

Now, the first order of business: I had mentioned I was going to be posting up some of the things I have received during birthday and holiday season. I have already done so on a couple of other networks, but missed it here. Doing so gives Me a chance to acknowledge the gesture publicly and to thank the lovely person who has given it to Me.

Not all is pictured (the gift brat, for example, came with a penis gun and a strawberry daiquiri candied cock). Asylum 13 gave Me a kick-ass blowgun, which I would love to wield when it's not tits cold. From what I understand, an awesome friend from London has sent Me some of My favorite bath products, and a dirty, filthy whorepig from the bowels of Philadelphia has sent Me a couple of surprise toys... Thank you to Lydia, Kobal, Rose, and everyone else who thought of Me this holiday season through gifts or means to them! To those of you who missed your chance, My Amazon Wishlist is still full of other exciting things you can take a gander at and send to show your appreciation. I am particularly fond of clothes and unique toys. So take a look!

Next order of business is related to unique toys: I have a new obsession. Have you seen Aliens? More specifically this scene? I'm a big fan of science fiction, particularly the Dune, Alien, and Rama series. And I like to do horrifying and perverted things to folks. So why not combine?! Dear reader, I present you with the Splorch, a fully functional, alien ovipositor dildo:

This fucking amazing invention is made out of 100% silicone by the folks at Primal Harwere. It comes with a mold to make your own chicken-egg sized gelatin eggs. Intended for all of those alien impregnation fetishists and assorted strangelings. And guess what? THAT IS ME. I must absolutely have one of these things. A little voice in My head tells Me this is a very good idea. I must absolutely obtain this thing. I am making it a personal goal. I've mentioned it on social networks and such, and now am doing so here. I already have a willing host, who will gladly volunteer his ass as a breeding ground for My alien brethren.

And My, what a sweet host he will make. So how do you, dear reader, fit into this plan? It's very simple. I want a Splorch, specifically in the Blackhole color (that's really not negotiable). At $120, it's an awsome thing, and I absolutely must have it. The person who gets Me this will receive a custom 20+ minutes video of Me using it on My first host.

Yep, that's the sweet body you see above. I have completely gotten into this idea, am designing My own alien race, and will soon release a video on YouTube, featuring a bit of roleplay... In fact, I have already released a test video somewhere. Can you find it?

Final order of business: The Aviary has moved to a new location! With time, we have grown into a great monthly event, and simply outgrew our prior location at the Arts Garage. Still on the second Saturday of every month at 9 PM, the Aviary is now at the William Way Center, located at 1315 Spruce Street. This location is now conveniently located in a beautiful space with more room, more equipment, and more awesome. YAY! This month's was a fantastic success. I am certain that February's, which will take place on the 8th, will be even greater. So you should come.

So things seem to be coming together this year... be on the lookout for several updates everywhere. I had a hot ass session yesterday with a real good butt boy. I do hope to hear from him soon, as his champion hole was able to take a good 10 inches of black cock, and was hungry for more! When he returns, I will snap a couple of pictures of that impressive ass and come back to share them. It will be fun, I promise.