I'm happy to say My advertisements with Eros-Philly and Backpage.com are back online. Hooray! They had been off while I made the transfer to the Chamber, but now are back on.
I had a wonderful session last week! Got to pierce some nipples as well as shove My whole fist up a fagpuppet (I totally just said "fagpuppet"). He wasn't too shy of a boy either, so I took a few pictures... here are a couple of highlights!
Had I known, I would have prepped for better pictures! No matter. We'll see next time. I did get a couple of new pics of Me that day as well, with the wonderful Destiny's Chamber as a backdrop. Thought they were worthy to share. They're good!
Finally, last night was Aviary, where I got to try out the new flogger I made. It's a very nasty one, probably due to the pennies in the end of each fall. I was happy to see it fly in the direction of three lovely backs that twisted in pain. Since this was the October event, I brought out one of My fear play outfits out. The wonderful robe was sent to Me by a caring fan who has My appreciation and these pictures! Thanks for that, boy! Here's some pics taken by Rowhan the Magician and Myself, featuring Me and Talon Oasis:
So I'm happy about that. Yey! I love pictures, and I love that outfit. It's based off The Alchemist, from the French film "Vidocq," known in the US as "Dark Portals." I am a huge fan of that film, and have been since it came out. Highly recommended!
On a completely different note, next month is My birthday month. I pass a quarter of a century into the unknowns of Year 26 on November 15th, 2012. I am already thrilled that My birthday weekend is booked with Diabolique Ball 2012: Agony & Ecstasy, which is going to be, as advertised, a religious experience! Be sure to make it out to the Ball for an awesome night of naughty nuns and dirty priests! And proceeds go to charity!
If you want to make Me smile on My birthday, check My Wishlist and send Me a little gift. I've been longingly eyeing the Mini Nova (ideally with a branding electrode thrown in), and have also been looking the two volumes of Douglas Kent's "Complete Shibari," Land and Sky. What can I say, I have taste.
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