Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You know...

... instead of posting every other post mentioning how hectic My week has been, how about we just assume that I am constantly busy, hm? I should also post when less than ten things have happened to Me, as I know I am going to forget stuff. Like in this woefully incomplete post.

Last Aviary was amazing, by the way. I had an incredible time, and was even tended to by a wonderful visitor, who helped Me not completely lose My mind. You know who you are... thank you!

Asylum 13's Heartbroken Hellentine Kinkster's Ball was wonderful. I got to do some pretty amazing rigging, and got to chat with Vas Kallas, founder and singer of Hanzel und Gretyl, the industrial metal band, still rocking it twenty years later. And as usual, Arwen flew like an angel of Death:

Since another A-13 has passed since then, I might as well say that it kicked a lot of ass as well. If you had been there last week, you would have seen Me suspending Myself upside down:

And you would have also seen a close to the ground first time suspension as well:

By the way, while I am at it, almost all of the wonderful photos that are posted here with the Asylum 13 logo are credited to the great Rhino Photography. If you seek some hot, fresh portraiture or event photography, do check them out!

When not at events, I've been very busy between sessions, videos, photographs, and My personal play. I wanted to note one specific thing that happened this Saturday which was amazing: I had an awesome interrogation scene at a private party which involved some 45 minutes of loud crying from My bottom. I am particularly happy this week!

By the way, pup Loki has been distracting Me on the computer throughout this entire post, and I am going to kick his ass whenever I see him. You've been warned, mutt!

PS: I'll be uploading some more A-13 videos as they come along. Do keep checking My YouTube channel for updates.

1 comment:

  1. i know that pup loki i see him everyday he is an ass but he is lovable but i swear when i see him in my mirror i just wanna slug him for being so cute
